Monday 21 May 2012

Jean says: So it's turned out that Loch Fyne isn't just a chain of fish restaurants. We've spent the whole day sailing all around it, and ended up at Otter Ferry, where the is a pub called the Oyster Catcher, and more free mooring buoys. We rowed to the shore again because we couldn't be bothered with the hassle of winching the outboard onto the dinghy. Luckily, the water was flat as a pancake, and in any case Bob was doing all the hard work. This area is glorious, especially with the sun shining and if we were only able to have good weather in one place, this would be where we would choose to have it. We're so grateful for a break from the cold and often difficult conditions we've had up to now. I don't think the midges have realised that the weather has changed for the better yet, so we have a sunny, warm midge free Scotland, which is probably quite a rare occurrence.
It's almost difficult to comprehend that we are here in a Scottish Loch, having watched a bright pink sunset, accompanied by only one other yacht, surrounded by total silence.

Loch Fyne Early The Following Morning


  1. I am so glad you love it and that you have had some really good weather. Who needs foreign lands when this sort of beauty is virtually on our doorstep. We leave tomorrow for the south and hope to be back before tea time! Let's keep fingers crossed for good weather. Xxx

  2. we really hope that you now get some of the sunshine that you both deserve; your blog should be sponsored by the wine society...there are an awful lot of mentions !! Beuatiful day in Bath today spolied only by your squatters with the bloody ghetto blaster
    David and Annie

  3. Whatever happens to the weather from now on, the Virleys and Tyrrels can definitely say they've been lucky to see Scotland at its very best. And you're right, Scotland is a stunning place.
    David and Annie, thanks for keeping an eye on Warberry Lodge. Hope those squatters aren't keeping you awake at night
    PS for those who don't know, our neighbours in Bath (David and Annie) are called Scotland! Now surely that must be an omen for good luck, because the weather has turned beautiful since arriving in Scotland!
    PPS now that we're in Bonnie Scotland you might start hearing a few more references to the whisky......
